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Travel insurance can be key to your peace of mind when you are planning your next trip. Life can throw us some unexpected curves when we aren’t looking and being prepared with travel insurance can help protect you from unexpected costs while travelling. This can include emergency medical expenses, trip cancellation and trip interruption costs, delayed or lost baggage, and flight and travel accidents.

Did you know that when you book Manulife Travel Insurance, you are eligible for a great benefit that is included with most policies? It’s called Blink – and it’s complimentary. Manulife Flight Assistance (aka Blink) can provide each insured person with a $40 or $140 disruption benefit immediately. Click below to learn more.

Manulife Travel Insurance - pack 1 thing that doesn't take up room.
Manulife Travel Insurance - Premium Protection Plan

What happens when your client’s experience isn’t so selfie-worthy? That’s when they can be “Saved by Travel Insurance.”

They can only be “saved” if they have travel insurance, though. So often, we hear Canadians saying, “Why should I buy travel insurance? Can insurance companies be trusted to pay out claims?” Saved by Travel Insurance is Manulife’s answer to those questions – straight from the mouths of Canadians who have benefited from claims.

Check out these real-life Manulife clients tell personal stories of overcoming diseases, broken bones and harrowing trip cancellation and interruption ordeals. They’re excited to tell their tales in hopes that others will be saved by travel insurance, just as they were.

Fernie, BC
Alycia was enjoying some tropical heat, until she didn’t feel so hot. A nearly $3,000 claim helped her feel better.

Vancouver, BC
When Jane’s brother fell ill in Italy, she was called to the scene. Their claim saved them over $48,000, and helped save her brother’s life.

Charlottetown, PEI
Malcolm was having a blast on a ski trip, until his vacation went downhill. But after saving almost $17,000 on medical costs, things were looking up again.

Editorial Profiles

Making the best of a bad situation

“The people there really took care of us.” “Very smooth.” “Very positive.” “Very cooperative and very accommodating.” “The easiest thing you could’ve done.” 

These are just a few of the things Canadians have to say about Manulife Travel Insurance claims. Read about their stories of overcoming travel hardships, and how Manulife helped them along the way. 

Eric was Saved by Travel Insurance

Eric was Saved by Travel Insurance

Vacations are all about creating selfie-worthy experiences…

A life-threatening disease is the furthest thing from a happy, selfie-worthy situation, but Manulife Travel Insurance made it a little easier to handle for Eric.


It was just after Christmas, 2016, when the Kanata, ON native and his family were eagerly anticipating a non-refundable resort vacation in Turks and Caicos. They decided to buy a Manulife Travel Insurance plan with trip cancellation coverage, just in case their kids got sick. 

But it wasn’t the kids that got sick. Just over a week before their flight, the father of two wound up in the hospital with a frightening diagnosis: flesh-eating disease. Eric chillingly confided, “They literally say that I was probably within hours of losing body parts and days of losing my life.” 

After 22 days in the hospital, a couple of months of home rest, and now fully recovered, he looked back with a chuckle when he said of the initial diagnosis, “There was no question we were not going on that vacation.” 

While he was in the hospital, his wife reached out to their travel agent, who helped get the appropriate forms ready for their trip cancellation claim. The claim process was “very positive,” he said. “The only hard part about it, honestly, was trying to get the doctor to do his piece of it. Just ‘cause their priority was saving my life,” he added with a laugh. 

This story has a doubly happy ending: not only is Eric fully recovered from his brush with mortality, but he, his wife and two kids used their full reimbursement of almost $19,000 to stay at that Turks and Caicos resort a year later. “To be able to painlessly get the money back and be able to actually go on the trip that we had planned was great.” 

Niall was Saved by Travel Insurance

Vacations are all about creating selfie-worthy experiences…

A frightening cardiac event is not so selfie-worthy, but Manulife Travel Insurance made it a little easier to handle for Niall.


Niall is a pretty fit guy. He’s an avid cyclist who had never had any major health issues. In some ways he’s the kind of person you might think would feel safe travelling without insurance. But the Thornhill, ON native says, “I’m a firm believer that things happen and I never wanted to take the financial risk or gamble. That’s why insurance is there. And for the minimal cost of protection, it was peace of mind.” 

That philosophy paid off for Niall during a recent trip to San Francisco. He and his wife were simply walking around the city, enjoying the sights, when he started to feel some numbness in his arms and chest. He thought it was weird, but got through the night without issue. The next day, while touring the city, the symptoms reappeared. He would stop and the symptoms would go away, but every time he started walking again, they’d come back. 

Finally, he decided to get checked out. But before he did, he called Manulife to let them know. They gave him a case ID number and told him to go to the hospital and keep them up to date. It’s a good thing he went, because he was diagnosed with a cardiac event caused by three blocked arteries and underwent a procedure to rectify the problem. 

All told, his entire $64,690.06 medical bill was paid by Manulife. “You hear about these issues people have with insurance companies,” he said, “But never, ever did we ever have any sort of ‘don’t do this or don’t do that.’ They were just very cooperative and very accommodating during the whole process.” 

Martin G. was Saved by Travel Insurance

Martin G. was Saved by Travel Insurance

Vacations are all about creating selfie-worthy experiences…

Fracturing your foot is not so selfie-worthy, but Manulife Travel Insurance made it a little easier to handle for Martin G.

Martin G.

There are a lot of injuries you can easily imagine happening during a trip to California. You could hurt your back while surfing, twist your ankle hiking through the redwoods, or strain your neck looking at the stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Fracturing your foot while playing hockey wouldn’t be very high on that list. And yet that’s what happened to Martin, of Port Coquitlam, B.C.

Fortunately, his fiancé Nina was there to drive him to the ER and call Manulife. He was advised to see an orthopedic surgeon, who took x-rays and deemed that Martin couldn’t travel without surgery, so a procedure was performed in California – all of which was paid for by Manulife.

Nina says she never travels without insurance. “Just for the peace of mind… to me it’s just a cost of your trip. You’ve got your budget for food, your budget for medical insurance.

And she spoke from experience: Martin had strained his back while on vacation a year earlier, also requiring a Manulife Travel Insurance claim. She said dealing with Manulife “was the easiest thing that you could’ve done.I just told them what happened, where we were, and they were taking care of everything. I was shocked at how easy it was… Just the convenience of everything and not having to worry about it, it was phenomenal.”

The information contained in these articles represent the views and opinions of the featured individual and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Manulife, its subsidiaries or affiliates. 

Want to learn more about travel insurance and the benefits that come with it? Contact one of our Gravitate Travel Professionals today for your quote and peace of mind or check out the link below for more details 

Photo to the visual of the Travel Insurance phone